Greener Pastures: a No Doubt fan site
July 24th, 2015

Stephen Bradley’s “Runaways” EP – interview

Hello! Reviews and articles have started popping up regarding Stephen’s new EP, “Runaways”!



“After spending the last nineteen years with No Doubt, Stephen Bradley graces us with his solo project titled “RUNAWAYS”. This EP showcases the many abilities Bradley has as a musician and producer, as seen in the lead single also titled “RUNAWAYS”.

This track is released on Soundcloud, and you’ll definitely have to give it a listen. It starts off slow, but don’t let that scare you off. The instruments backing, including the horns Bradley plays, are highlighted with his production of his track. His classic sounding vocals give the track a personal and unique touch, as it blends the ages of the sounds. Jumping from electronica to deep smooth vocals isn’t always the easiest transition, but Bradley does it with ease.

The combination of soul and R&B with pop and electronic are what makes Bradley’s EP “RUNAWAYS” really stand out. We love the sound he’s working towards, and some fresh new solo material allows him to take a new turn as an artist – a truly unique journey watching artists go through is almost magical.

Known for his work with the trumpet, Bradley showcases it in this new track. Combining old time elements with newer technologies allow his music to appeal to all audiences. The great intro, incredible rhythm and iconic powerful vocals blend this track to be a great single that represents the EP and direction Bradley is taking as a whole.

From being an essential vocalist and trumpet player for No Doubt, touring with Gwen Stefani and playing with The Smashing Pumpkins, Bradley’s new solo direction allows him to be the focus of his work. This is where we can really see his talent shine through, which is so exciting for him as a musician and for us as an audience eager to see what he brings to the table. With so much experience with a variety of musicians, seeing how his past is going to influence his solo work is creative and artistic – just what we want in music!

It’s classic but it’s new. It’s creative and it’s fun. This track showcases raw talent being used, and we’re so excited to see the direction Bradley takes with it. Having created such a great and unique solo record that appeals to all audiences, we have no doubt he’ll maintain that timeless different sound and allow him o expand as an artist. Bradley is taking his talent and his passion and definitely making good use of it, as “RUNAWAYS” is a great listen.

You can check out Stephen Bradley’s new song “Runaways” here on Soundcloud – you’ll hear a little bit of everything in it put together in a smooth classic track. ” – by Heidi Holland

Stephen was also interviewed by The Vinyl District.

You can buy Runaways on Amazon or iTunes! Also, please “heart” the song Runaways on Hype Machine!

Heather :)

July 24th, 2015

Riot Fest

Hello! No Doubt has confirmed that they are headlining Riot Fest in September!

Riot fest schedule

From the official web site: “We’ll be making our first-ever appearance at Riot Fest & Carnival at Douglas Park in Chicago the weekend of September 11-13! Get your 3-Day GA & VIP passes beginning today at”

Their Facebook post read: “We will be headlining Night 1 of Riot Fest & Carnival at Douglas Park in Chicago on Friday, September 11! Single day GA & VIP tickets are on sale – click below to get yours now!”

We will be headlining Night 1 of Riot Fest & Carnival at Douglas Park in Chicago on Friday, September 11! Single day GA & VIP tickets are on sale – click below to get yours now!

Posted by No Doubt on Thursday, July 23, 2015

Heather :)

July 14th, 2015

Stephen Bradley’s EP “Runaways” is out now!

Hello! Stephen Bradley’s “Runaways” EP was released today! I just bought it, and it’s awesome!

Stephen Bradley Runaways

It’s available on Amazon, Google Play, iTunes, etc.! Go buy it now! :D

Heather :)

July 8th, 2015

Stephen Bradley’s first solo EP out on 7/14!

Hello! Stephen Bradley announced that his first solo EP, entitled Runaways, will be released on July 14th!

Stephen Bradley Runaways

From Instagram:

Please be sure to pick up a copy! And, if you haven’t already seen it, here is his awesome debut video/single!:

Heather :)

July 8th, 2015

Southpaw Trailer Featuring “Kings Never Die”

Hello! A trailer for the movie Southpaw has been released today, and it features Eminem’s “Kings Never Die” featuring Gwen! Here’s the trailer:

Heather :)

July 1st, 2015

The Voice set photo

Hello! Yesterday, Carson Daly shared a photo taken on The Voice set:

@nbcthevoice Season 9 is in full swing. Great to be back together. #WelcomeBackGwen

A photo posted by Carson Daly (@carsondaly) on

They’ve begun filming the blind auditions for the upcoming Fall season!

Heather :)

June 14th, 2015

Tony interview with One Green Planet

Hello! In a new interview with One Green Planet, Tony speaks up against animal cruelty. I really admire him for all of his animal rights activism, and I have similar views. He’s such an awesome person! From the article:
Tony animal

“As the saying goes, “If you want to create change in the world, close your eyes really tightly and pretend it doesn’t exist.” What, that’s not how it works? You mean, in order for people to make an informed decision about an issue and possibly work to improve it, we first have to be able to see what’s going on? Actually, that makes perfect sense and, you know what, musician Tony Kanal thinks so too.

As No Doubt (the band responsible for such hits as “Don’t Speak,” “Just a Girl” and Gwen Stefani’s incredibly cool hair) continues on a tour of the festival circuit this year, Kanal has his sights set firmly on a major issue. Animal rights and the Ag-Gag laws that seek to undermine them.

A major animal lover, Kanal was a long time vegetarian. Upon the birth of his daughter three years ago, his worldview shifted and he realized that he no longer wanted to consume animal products at all. He went vegan and hasn’t looked back.

“The pivotal moment was realizing the plight of dairy cows. I lived in this cognitive dissonance of being vegetarian and still consuming dairy and thinking that animals are not harmed. But it’s completely the opposite of that…the truth is dairy is a slaughter industry. It was something that escaped my consciousness for most of my life,” he told One Green Planet in an exclusive interview. “It wasn’t until I had a kid, I started to think about how they artificially inseminate a mother cow and take her baby away so we can then steal the milk for ourselves. The fate of the calves is horrible and when the mother is spent, she is slaughtered. It’s a slaughter industry.”

“I am definitely vegan for ethical reasons…for the animals. Everything else is important too, but I am vegan for animals.”

After the connection was made, Kanal has become a tireless voice for animals, filling his Twitter feed with activism and his Instagram account with the fantastic vegan restaurants that he loves to visit when he’s on the road. From putting an end to poaching and the ivory trade to boycotting SeaWorld, there hasn’t really been an animal related issue he didn’t champion.

Now, he’s teaming up with Mercy For Animals in order to participate in their #NoAgGag Campaign alongside other celebrities like Moby and Mark Pontius of Foster the People in order to raise awareness for the need to fight legislation that would limit or eliminate undercover investigations into factory farms.
“Lawmakers should be thinking about how to prevent this cruelty and not making it harder to expose.”

“The work done by undercover investigations is so vital for us to know what is going on behind factory farm walls,” he said. “I think these Ag-Gag laws are fundamentally un-American.”

Since the 1990s, laws that criminalize journalists, whistleblowers and activists for recording or reporting on the activities that happen in factory farms have been growing in prominence. As of March 2015, there are seven states on the books with such laws while over 20 have proposed the legislation.

By eliminating transparency and ostensibly closing the doors to the egg, dairy and meat production facilities that supply food, not only do we open ourselves up to allowing abuses within in an unchecked system, but we risk danger to human health.
Without whistleblowers, how will unacceptable practices even come to light, let alone stop?

Undercover investigations performed by activists are responsible for not only creating awareness in people who had no idea where their cheeseburgers, scrambled eggs and chicken nuggets were coming from, it gave them insight into how the animals who supplied them were housed and treated before slaughter. Kanal believes that this is vital to ensuring the industry isn’t allowed to continue the way it has.

“Undercover investigations are really important and without them there is no way of knowing what’s going on. There are no governmental bodies that protect farm animals and these undercover investigations are all we really have,” he says.

A recent Gallup poll shows that his sentiments are dead on. Of those Americans polled, 96 percent felt that farm animals should have at least some protections against harm and exploitation while 62 percent felt that strict laws are needed to achieve that end.

“You watch the reaction to these investigations and the animal ag industry says this abuse in an aberration and caused by a few bad apples. But in the [40] plus undercover investigations that just Mercy for Animals has done there is abuse in each and every one of them. The real reasons why these laws exist is because the industry is so scared …they don’t want you to see these as normal, typical practices and the institutionalized violence that is part of the industry because most people will not be okay with that.”

Without voices themselves, animals will continue to be exploited without the strength and conviction of those who would stand up for them. Thankfully, there are caring people like Tony Kanal who lend their own voices and the power of their celebrity to shed light on the importance of transparency in the hopes of preventing and ending cruelty. Keep rocking steady Tony! Thank you for being such a tireless advocate for animals and showing the world how easy it is to #EatForThePlanet and make a positive impact with your food choices!”

Heather :)

June 10th, 2015

Gwen returning to The Voice for season 9!

Hello! It’s been officially announced today that Gwen will be returning as a coach for season nine of The Voice! The Voice posted this promo pic on their Facebook page today:

the voice season 9 promo

From Buzzfeed:

“Christina Aguilera is taking another break from The Voice for Season 9 and BuzzFeed News can exclusively reveal that in her place, Season 7 coach Gwen Stefani will return, joining Adam Levine, Blake Shelton, Pharrell Williams. The upcoming ninth season will premiere on NBC this fall. Carson Daly will also be back to host.

Levine, Shelton, and Williams were all judges on The Voice’s eighth season, while Stefani served as an advisor for Aguilera’s and Williams’ teams.

Williams is the reigning Voice champion: He earned his first win with contestant Sawyer Fredericks in Season 8. Shelton has had four contestants win. And an artist on Levine’s team has won twice.

“I’m coming back and I’m so excited! I cant believe I get to return to The Voice. It’s so inspiring to be around such incredible talent and music. I’m looking forward to working again with Adam, Blake, and Pharrell. I love those guys,” Stefani said in a statement to BuzzFeed News.

voice promo no text

“I can’t believe we’re already on the ninth season. Time after time, coming back, it honestly feels like the first day of school. It’s become a second family for me and I’m always so excited to come back to it,” Levine said in a statement to BuzzFeed News.

“Adam, Gwen, Pharrell and I had a blast together in Season 7 and I’m excited we’re back together again. They are all so talented but I’m pretty damn excited about another winning season for Team Blake,” Shelton said in a statement to BuzzFeed News.

“I am grateful to have a role on the show amongst such an incredible grouping of great people. Looking forward to another season of talented artists,” Williams said in a statement to BuzzFeed News.
The Voice Season 9 will premiere in September.”

Heather :)

May 30th, 2015

Adrian, Tom, Tony at U2 concert this past Thursday

Hello! Adrian, Tom, and Tony were in attendance at the U2 show at The Roxy on Thursday night. Check out this awesome photo of them! :

at u2 show may 28 2015

A photo posted by tom dumont (@tomdumontnd) on

Heather :)

May 30th, 2015

BottleRock Festival, Wear your ND shirt tomorrow!

Hello! No Doubt is getting ready to play the BottleRock Festival tomorrow night in Napa Valley! They’ve been posting photos from practice, etc.:

Tomorrow also happens to be Wear Your No Doubt Shirt Day!!


Heather :)

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