Greener Pastures: a No Doubt fan site

Archive for March, 2012

photo shoot today, voting, new Worcester RS videos

Wednesday, March 21st, 2012

Hello!  No Doubt has been posting tons of pics on twitter today!  They were at a photo shoot with an artist named El Mac.  Possibly for album artwork?!  Tom tweeted “Shooting pics for artwork with an amazing artist called El Mac.”  Then, when asked if it was for the album, he replied “maybe ;-)”!!

Don’t forget to keep voting for No Doubt in MTV’s Musical March Madness!  They are still behind.  Go, go, go!

I’ve just uploaded some mpg2 videos of the 10/20/2002 Worcester, MA show.  This footage is a bit different from what I’ve previously uploaded, as this is a mixture of footage from the originally posted bootleg, and another camera that my friend Pierre did some time ago (are you still out there, Pierre?).

So, you get to see some different angles, closer shots that were far away in the original, etc.  I do plan to upload the original in mpg2 format as well in the future.

No Doubt won the first round of Musical March Madness!

Monday, March 19th, 2012

Yeah!  They are now up against Panic! At The Disco, and are behind.  Lame!  Go vote, please!!

Nashville TN 10-14-2002 videos

Saturday, March 17th, 2012

Hello!  I’ve uploaded the Nashville 10-14-2002 free show in mpg2 format to the videos section!  I’m working on re-doing the audio/video  section, as I was having trouble with some files not downloading properly the way it was before.  Everything should be working now.

Happy 25th anniversary of No Doubt’s first official club show!

Wednesday, March 14th, 2012

From the official today:

“After a few raucous party performances in the months preceding, No Doubt played their first official club gig at Fender’s Ballroom in Long Beach, California on March 14, 1987.  The show, headlined by The Untouchables, found No Doubt playing second among a lineup of fourteen bands that night. Twenty-five years later, No Doubt are still making music together.

As the band put finishing touches on their new album, they have decided to add some new accounts to their Twitter arsenal.  That’s right – not only will the band be sending out studio updates, photos, videos and album information from @nodoubt, they’ll also be Tweeting back and forth with each other from their personal accounts.

Please welcome to Twitter the official accounts of @nodoubt: @gwenstefani, @tomdumontND, @tonykanal and @adrianyoungND.

Be sure to follow all 5 accounts on Twitter to hear the latest news from the band about recording, the release of the new album and upcoming tour dates.”

Oh my god, I can’t wait for the new album, and tour!!!!

They have been posting old school photos on twitter today in celebration:




Vote for No Doubt – Musical March Madness 2012!

Monday, March 12th, 2012

Hello all!

It’s time for MTV’s “Musical March Madness” again.  Please go vote for No Doubt!  They are currently up against Van Halen (a rather odd match up I think), and are ahead by a tiny bit – No Doubt 59%, Van Halen 41%.

On a side note, my web hosting account was hacked this weekend.  Not sure how; probably because the forum and gallery scripts weren’t up to date with the latest versions.  So, my web host and I spent the weekend removing code that was inserted into just about every page, and amping up security measures.  It’s all cleaned up now; just need to do a couple more things so it doesn’t happen again.  Why can’t we all just get along lol?  :)

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