Greener Pastures: a No Doubt fan site

Archive for May, 2011

catching up

Wednesday, May 25th, 2011

Adrian and NinaHello all!  I have my computer back, so I’m going to post a few things I’ve missed:

You probably already know this, but  Adrian and Nina are going to have a baby girl next month! Earlier this month they posted on the official:

“Nina and I are thrilled to announce the upcoming birth of Mason’s little sister next month! The three of us are over the moon excited. We cannot wait to meet her and for her to join the No Doubt family.”  Yay!

Gwen is nominated for a “Do Something” award from VH1 in the music artist category for what she has done to help the people of Japan!  Make sure to go vote for her!

Gwen recently filmed/shot for another L’Oreal ad campaign to be released in September.  L’Oreal posted a short behind the scenes video on YouTube:

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