video and photo update
Hello! I’ve added some more videos to the downloads section thanks to P! :
ROS tour rehearsal interview
MTV Beach House 1996 interview
Grammy 2003 band interview afterwards
Gwen Gavin at Prince show March 29 2004
I’ve also uploaded them to my YouTube channel.
In the Grammy interview video, I love how kind and courteous they are to the crew. When they are “off-camera” you can hear them thanking the interviewers, etc. Not all people in their positions are so kind, and down to earth. :)
Tony attended a fundraiser benefiting Mercy For Animals yesterday in LA. I’ve added some photos to the gallery. From the Mercy For Animals web site: “Mercy For Animals is dedicated to preventing cruelty to farmed animals and promoting compassionate food choices and policies.” I really love that he is so involved in things like this! All of the members of No Doubt are such wonderful people!
I’ve also added some photos of Gwen and Gavin attending “The Bling Ring” premiere in LA on the 4th to the gallery.